Belgian music


Today, I’m sharing obscure stuff that deserves its hour of glory.

Follow the River — Gone for a Walk

Contemporary jazz, quite good. The band is formed by Etienne Plumer (drums), Michel Marissiaux (bass), and Nicolas Dechêne (guitar). The album went out in 2010 at the Homerecords label.

Michel Marissiaux — Wishes

Same kind of stuff, mainly composed by Marissiaux, who plays the bass guitar.

Orfeo — Voyage en Bathyscaphe

Orfeo — Foutoir de poche

A Belgian punk ska band, disbanded in 2012. I’ve seen the second last concert after having ignored them, almost on purpose, for a few years. I’d missed something.

Sing Sing — Libertés conditionnelles

A Belgian a cappella band, it’s quite funny and sadly it’s their one and only (studio) album. The lyrics are quite striking.