How I use Firefox
I’ve used Mozilla Firefox for many years and I have accumulated many add-ons and customised its look and feel in the process.
My add-ons:
- AdBlock Plus, it blocks ads, it works, it’s not perfect and there are better forks, but my laziness has no limits and I ticked the little box that disallows so-called “unintrusive” advertising instead of installing something like TrueBlock Plus.
- Certificate Patrol, I am not dependent on X.509 and its broken trust scheme but I have to suffer a lot of pop-ups because of poor security practices on Google’s, Twitter’s and others’ part.
- Disconnect, blocks most trackers on the Web, better than Ghostery, and the code is free.
- DownThemAll!, GPL licensed automated download manager, very convenient since the more sophisticated software like wget can’t execute JavaScript and other fancy horrors.
- EPUBReader, since EPUB is HTML in a compressed archive, Firefox can display that pretty easily, it’s useful to preview the things I download from Wikisource via WSexport.
- Greasemonkey, I dislike JavaScript but sometimes I have to use that thing.
- HTTPS-Everywhere, mandatory to avoid sending unencrypted data uselessly.
- NoScript, a very useful security add-on for Firefox that does more than simply blocking JavaScript with a whitelist.
- Reddit Enhancement Suite, what reddit doesn’t do remotely, we do locally.
- Request Policy, a good way to minimise useless traffic to useless domains, can be a bit annoying, though.
- Smart Referer, a small add-on that restricts the number of compromising HTTP_REFERER headers sent by the browser.
- Tab Mix Plus, provides useful functionality for tab manipulation.
- Tree Style Tab, I get pretty lost without that, and the default tab bar is quite useless.
- User Agent Switcher, useful to test mobile websites, I don’t use it often.
- vimperator, software that makes Firefox behave like vim, quite useful since I use BÉPO and decided to use the mouse only to play shooter games.
I have disabled all default bars and now Firefox looks like this.
Update (2013-10-12): I have replaced EPUBReader with Lucifox since it’s FLOSS and works quite well.